Join us to celebrate the end of The Homeschool Collective's Fall term and help raise money for our local community.
Monday Nov 16th, 1:30pm, at our Community Center building.
After the last day of in-person classes, we will offer a series of fun activities for the kids to enjoy! We'll also be accepting donations towards needed playground repairs.
It will also be a great opportunity to meet many of our upcoming teachers, as you contemplate next semester's class choices! If you haven't participated in any classes or activities yet, we'd love to meet you and chat for a few minutes!
The day's activities will include: -refreshments -games and crafts -henna sessions -a student art show -and a special magic show
- bake sale & book sale, donation based All proceeds from the sales will be donated to the Borough to help repair the broken tunnel on the playground. Cash donations will also be accepted.
I recommend you drop off any books or baked donations, go grab lunch (or bring a picnic!), then return at 1:30 for the fun and stay as long as you like!
Hope to see you there!