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High School Classes


Mondays and Thursdays

We now have High School level classes on Mondays and Thursdays through the week.  Please click on those Tabs for Course Descriptions, and create a schedule that works for you!



High School classes are listed after Elementary and Middle level classes. Some Middle level classes are for Middle/High range. Be sure to check them out!  We believe in the benefits of mixed age classrooms and acknowledge skills and concepts as a continuum of learning, with assignments and extension lessons in place to support all learning styles, levels, and homeschooling families.  Please read more about our class philosophy on the About Us Page, under the "More" tab above.

Credits & Grades:

Our high school classes are designed to promote academic creativity, inspired learning, and peer interaction. Whether college-bound, preparing for a technical vocation, or setting their sights on business and early work experience, teens will find these courses beneficial to their graduation requirements and post- high school careers. 


These courses are structured to offer a variety of levels of experience to fit most families, with optional assignments and activities to promote further learning through the week.  It is the responsibility of the student and parent to complete and submit any work given, for a deeper more academic experience. Students will get out what they put in! 

Suggestions for credits earned, or partial participation grades, will be listed under class descriptions.  But these are merely suggested starting points. Please keep in mind as your teen's homeschool supervisor, the end credits and grade earned will be dependent on your discretion, expectation, and level of work or supplement you choose to add and accept from your teen. Versatility and flexibility are built into this educational experience. The sky's the limit for every student!


Please use the Registration Form found on a tab above to begin enrollment.  Parents are welcome to enroll their children in 1 or more drop-off classes.  Once a class becomes full, a waitlist will be started. You will be notified by the email you list on your Registration Form, about class status.  Please check your spam for If a Monday class is full, please also consider online choices.  Feel free to mix options for a full experience!

Thank you for your participation and support.


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